We must not overlook cruelty to animals

I have never felt the need to mistreat an animal of another species, if even when some of my childhood friends shot the birds with pellets, or insisted on cutting the tails of the lizards. It would have been an act that (even without experiencing it) would not have brought me pleasure, and on the contrary it would fill me with frustration and guilt.

Today I still feel pain when I read news related to cruelty to other animals, or I see obvious signs of aggression against defenseless beings. An intentional shot in the abdomen of a small bat, a mutilated cat before finding death, or a dog with a sealed snout are just examples of that.

I am not the one to judge the behavior of other people, although no one is going to take away my children's education, and the possibility that they acquire values ​​among which is respect for others.. The causes of these events are very complex, but it is more than obvious that one of the reasons why a child comes to attack an animal 'against which it can' is that the victim is even more vulnerable than himself. What is mistreatment?, it is considered as an act oriented to harm another living being, physical or psychological damage; With this act the abuser demonstrates his power against the abused. We must distinguish very clearly a scene starring a baby that stretches the ears of his pet, from the vision of eight-year-old children throwing stones against a dog, everyone must be explained the consequences of their actions, but obviously the performance of the seconds is more than intentional, even though they know the damage they do.

Abusing animals is an act of cruelty, it causes violence, and once the latter is established, many people get vaccinated with indifference, so that they are able to tolerate larger doses of violence. It occurs when human beings are mistreated and also when blows are directed at other animals.

If there are two characteristics that are repeated in violent acts, they are that violence is exercised by those who believe they are superior because of age, hierarchy, social position, etc .; and that affects the healthy development of the person, since it can cause confusion, feelings of guilt or the belief that the integrity of others 'is in their hands'.

We are human and 'superior' to other animals on the evolutionary scale (although seeing the course that Humanity takes it is sometimes hard to believe this), but this should encourage us to be able to behave towards other living beings, not to believe ourselves with the right to attack them. Part of our struggle for the elimination of any form of violence should be aimed at preventing and treating animal abuse.

Many children are emotionally overwhelmed, and show cruelty against animals in a systematic way as a way of expressing their anger at events that are happening to them, on other occasions it is nothing more than the reflection of a convulsed and disoriented society

But in any case, prevention is necessary from the family and from school, because we all know (although many do not want to recognize it) that mistreating animals contravenes social norms, and that there are many people who end up tolerating cruel acts towards other species with the same naturalness, as aggressions against people. We must help children acquire and consolidate solid values ​​that allow them to grow healthy.

That's why I explain to my children that mistreating animals is intolerable, and I always try to express their emotions when they observe episodes of violence against other people or animals (despite their young age, they have observed school harassment of a certain severity, and have heard of animals hurt by other children).

I would worry that the children would stop feeling empathy for other animals, because sometimes it is nothing more than the prelude to contempt for their peers. I believe that the responsibility belongs to adults who have the education of the little ones in their hands.

Video: Brutal Animal Cruelty Facts You Should Not Overlook (July 2024).