Will the State be involved in creating an economic item for dining scholarships and creation of book banks?

The two great Spanish confederations representing the mothers and fathers of students (CEAPA and CONCAPA) made a request at the beginning of the school year creation of an extraordinary item in the General State Budgets. This item would be intended for dining scholarships and creation of banks for loan books.

Many families have run out of dining aids, and In some cases, the food served in schools is, for many children, the only balanced intake of food they make daily. Given the Spanish economic and social situation, the dining room is a very useful resource for working parents, but also for families with limited economic resources. If we follow the latest data provided by UNICEF regarding child poverty (26% in Spain), it would be desirable for scholarships to be awarded again for families who they have not been able to access because the conditions have tightened.

On the other hand we have also heard the Secretary General of Caritas Spain (in relation to feeding families in precariousness), say that social canteens are not places for disadvantaged children, and that these should receive food in schools.

I think an equilibrium point is necessary, because until now in my Autonomous Community, direct aid (book bonus) was granted for the acquisition of books to all families regardless of their economic situation, some would need more than others. Now the access to scholarships is very complicated and it is very difficult to meet the requirements, I have already seen situations of inequality evident in needy families.

School canteens with two types of care

In relation to the controversial issue of 'tupper' in schools, state confederations state that they respect the freedom of parents who choose this option, as long as the necessary controls and personnel for the little ones are established, raising reasonable prices for the use of the dining room and its facilities, which must be set by the parents' association.

The Administration should consider that With the savings that it pursues (by eliminating scholarships) it can cause a series of organizational, nutritional or health problems (poisoning, inappropriate food, etc.) in school canteens.

Promote the exchange and recycling of books

Both confederations request the coordination between the central government and those of the Autonomous Communities so that the resources of scholarships and grants, set up a single fund with which to provide textbooks to all schools. In order to provide the needs of families with insufficient financial means.

The extension of free textbooks is requested to all students who request it, through the loan and reuse system. We also ask that, in the event that books are acquired by families, publishers and centers that modify them before the established period be sanctioned

CEAPA and CONCAPA remember that article 27.4 of the Constitution says that "Basic Education is compulsory and free", so the acquisition of textbooks should not be an obstacle for any family.

With an economic crisis as serious as the one we suffer Measures to optimize public resources must be arbitrated, helping families in need. Therefore, the system of loans and reuse of books is a good option.

And you should also keep in mind that 21st century education cannot be based exclusively on textbooks, because the sources of information are very diverse. Therefore, educational administrations must promote and promote the use of other educational resources (reading books, information and communication technologies, resources in the school environment, etc.) to teach students to select and analyze the large Amount of existing information.

On the part of the entities requesting this initiative, it was requested that the two issues be included in the Conference of Presidents of the Autonomous Communities just held. That in which fiscal consolidation, reforms in Europe, competitive economy, etc. were discussed.

Now we have to see if there is also progress in the care of families with children.

Images | Brandi Jordan, jmurawski Source | CEAPA In Peques and More | Starting next year, many students will be able to take the food from home to the school canteen. A very expensive return to school

Video: Jordan Harbinger: "Creating and Maintaining Connections Effectively". Talks at Google (July 2024).