How to prevent excessive consumption of candy on Halloween

We live in one consumer society very given to adopt foreign traditions and news, even without reflecting on it. Yes, I'm talking about Halloween and yes, I know it's fun! But why not make it a party with an interesting component that allows children to learn new things?

After all, the ultimate meaning is an approach to the beloved people who have died, just as it happened (before arriving in Spain this fashion) with the celebration of All Saints. Only before it was a calm day that invited the gathering and family meals, and now it becomes 'masses' of people circulating in the streets that fill their candy baskets and compete (even without being aware) to have the best costume.

We are going to celebrate it, however I introduce elements that allow participating children to learn a little better about the origins of the holiday. And above all I have very much in mind that Halloween can cause food excesses that we must prevent. The treats have a high in sugar and different additives (dyes, cakes, flavorings, ...) that ingested in excess will cause stomach pain due to irritation of the mucosa. It is not quite uncommon to find episodes of vomiting or diarrhea in children, after having abused the 'sweets'.

At the slightest sign that a child is wrong, It is recommended to stop eating candy immediately and provide small sips of water., avoiding that in the later hours ingest fried, food with additives or too fatty. If, besides vomiting or the next day we observe diarrhea, we will make sure that your body is rehydrated to prevent the loss of fluid and mineral salts: water, infusions, natural juices and even some specific serum bought in the pharmacy, can serve us perfectly.

But without a doubt, before reaching that end, it is worth educating them in moderation

Some additional tips:

  • When we return home loaded with provisions, parents will take care of save the remaining goodies, to be able to dose them in the future, or discard them. There are dads and moms who tell me how prohibited is what my children most desire, I do not hide the goodies to avoid craving, and that they know how to manage themselves!

Well, I have some objections about it: the first one is that the goodies are made with ingredients that invite their consumption, and not everyone knows how to stop on time; Second, in my house children cannot decide on nutrition. And finally, sweet treats increase the risk of cavities, and this in our case does not matter, since I have a son who despite moderation and hygiene, has several cavities in his molars.

  • Let's avoid sweets at all costs whose origin or composition we don't know, to avoid eating those that may be adulterated. We have two options (one of them safer than the other): we buy in bulk in a trustworthy establishment, or we provide a packaged assortment, to be able to check sanitary registration, ingredients and expiration date.

  • It is better to reach a prior agreement on the amount of sweets they should eat (telling them what are the possible consequences of the excesses), than to prohibit their consumption.

  • Before leaving disguised as 'draculaura', demon, witch, zombie, or unidentified monster, the better We snack at home, to reduce the desire to eat soft candies and industrial licorice.

Are natural sweets worth us?

Why not put in our baskets and bags packages of freshly roasted chestnuts, tangerines decorated with a bow or homemade panellets? By giving them we will bring a different vision to the recipients, and if our children are hungry along the way, we can give them.

Let no one come with the excuse that children are not accustomed to these desserts because they are less sweet than jellies and lollipops. The responsibility of knowing the most natural alternatives is our, and if they don't accept them easily now, we should start introducing them into their diet.

Are the excesses just 'overeating'?

Of course not, shouldn't we respect those who don't want to be disturbed with a doorbell? Do we have the right to leave the streets full of wrappers?

For Halloween to be fun, we must have consideration for those who remain alien and think of others. before throwing a firecracker, raise your voice excessively or make our surroundings dirty.

Have fun and think that moderation is a good ally in all celebrations.

Images | Quiltsalad, tawest64 and edenpictures on Flickr In Peques and More | Halloween is coming, why don't we have a party at home? A candy made in China causes an alert in our country for its possible toxicity,

Video: Fat Cell Cleansing For Halloween (July 2024).