Essential skills your child has to learn: work as a team

When we think of indispensable skills that children have to learn our head is filled with contents and memorial techniques, exercises and mathematical problems. We also think, if the child is lucky, in physical and natural experiences.

But today I wanted to talk to you about another kind of indispensable skills, those that allow us to interact with other people and carry out our own projects: vital, labor, entrepreneurship or change. In other words, indispensable skills that will condition how we manage in life and how the future presents itself.

The first one we are going to deal with is the ability to teamwork and we will also give you ideas to help children discover it fun.


Of course, there are professionals who are going to develop their activity alone, but even they, and all, and more or less, directly or indirectly, in person or virtually, We work as a team.

One of the indispensable skills that children should exercise and acquire would be teamwork, always, preferably, in an area of ​​your interest and in a subject of your choice, something much more positive, enriching and motivating than externally imposed work.

The possibilities are endless: build a cabin or camp, play in a small orchestra, do group crafts, write a magazine, make a small film, an associative project ... and above all play. As you can see, the activities I propose are outside the purely school environment, and I will explain the reason.

What fails in imposed teamwork?

In school, many times, content, subjects and classmates are imposed externally. And you will tell me, then better, as in life. But no, I don't think so, it's better and more positive. work in a team well motivated, with a chosen relationship and with a common theme to be passionate about, to square with a project that we are not passionate about and with colleagues we don't like.

When the team is not really united in a goal of common enjoyment, problems, frustrations and tensions begin to occur. Learning to deal with them is also necessary, but they do not really enrich the learning of true cooperation.

It is enjoyment that will make leadership, cooperation and peer-to-peer skills flourish and that should be the first goal of child teamwork.

In addition, that will cause children not to resign themselves, to know what is good and trust that they can achieve it: work on something they love with people who collaborate intensely and happily with them. Believing that this is possible helps to be achieved.

The first option of teamwork is the one that will really give you indispensable skills and it will have creative fruits that will deserve the effort; That is what can produce a novel and enriching project for society. And that is the goal of teamwork, to improve, not to repeat or resign yourself to bad luck, to create things together in which to be passionate.

The example: a camp

The photograph with which I illustrated the article is a clear example of teamwork. It is a real project, born from the initiative of the children themselves, freely chosen and managed, in which they themselves set standards, objectives and distribution of tasks.

This September there was a terrible storm. The sea received all kinds of materials from the floods and the following days he left them on the beach. It was dirty, impossible to bathe, or walk along the shore. Tons and tons of wood, reeds, pipes, drawers, furniture, wheels ...

And the children thought that with all that they could make your own project: a camp for a tribe inspired by their readings and imagination. They collected all kinds of materials and placed them creating different structures: sleeping tents, a palisade, an agora for their debates, a grove of arcianos to worship the old gods.

Together they had to carry the heaviest materials, organize the surveillance of the camp, choose who fulfilled each function: the chief of the tribe, the hunter, the warrior, the shaman, the guardian of the fire ... and prepare their collection expeditions. An adventure that allowed them to develop their teamwork skills and that he taught them a lot about themselves and their friends.

We will continue talking about the essential skills children should learn. The next: passion, which is so important and so forgotten. We will talk about her, but in the meantime, I encourage you to offer your children teamwork experiences playful, creative and self-managed.

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