Sex in pregnancy: the 10 most frequently asked questions

Having sex during pregnancy, far from being dangerous, is positive for both the couple and the baby. Unless withdrawal is advised for medical reasons, pregnancy sex is good for everyone.

It is recommended and safe for the couple, it favors intimacy and reinforces the feelings at a very special moment, but it is also beneficial for the baby. There are false myths about sexual relations at this stage, so let's respond to the 10 most frequently asked questions so that you fully enjoy the pregnancy sex.

1) Does sex hurt the baby?

One of the most widespread concerns about sex in pregnancy is to believe that it can be bad for the baby. It is mistakenly thought that certain postures may harm him, that semen may affect him, or that the child may feel intercourse as something unpleasant. However, they are all beliefs without any foundation.

On the contrary, having sex It is beneficial for the baby. The mother's organism releases endorphins and the pelvic region receives more blood, causing the baby to experience a pleasant sensation inside the uterus.

2) What are the best sexual positions in pregnancy?

The most advisable positions are obviously those that do not produce abdominal pressure on the future mom. The woman must be comfortable at all times, for which they can use cushions or pillows. The dialogue between the two is very important to find together the most favorable positions.

The best sexual positions during pregnancy are: on the side, the woman sitting on the man, standing, and the missionary posture (the man on top of the woman) only if the man is able to hold his own weight with his hands to Avoid pressing the woman's belly.

Apart from these, with practice and as the pregnancy progresses, the couple can go looking for new variants That you find comfortable while pleasurable.

3) Does desire decrease in pregnancy?

The woman is likely to go through times when sexual desire decreases, especially in the first trimester Because of the typical discomforts such as nausea and abdominal pain, and in the final stretch of pregnancy for the size and pressure of the belly.

During the second trimester, overcoming the inconvenience, the desire tends to reappear. In general, it seems to be the fullest moment, but every woman is a world, and there are those who feel an increase in desire from the beginning of pregnancy.

4) Is sex different during pregnancy?

Naturally, in addition to the physical changes experienced by women that can cause desire to decrease or increase, both men and women can go through different emotions throughout pregnancy.

Most likely, you both go through stages in which one feels more desire than the other, and fears and feelings arise that can be disconcerting for one another. Sex can be wonderful or it can happen a mixture of sensations.

Therefore, communication is essential, also in bed. You have to live it calmly and naturally and dialogue with the couple before any doubt or fear that arises.

5) Is sex more pleasant in pregnancy?

Just as there are women in which desire decreases, for others pregnancy sex is more pleasant.

Especially in the first months, the increase in blood supply causes greater sensitivity to the genital area and increases vaginal discharge, so that the vagina becomes more sensitive and better lubricated.

To this is added the release by the fact of not having to use contraceptive methods, which together with the joy of being pregnant, increases sexual appetite.

6) Can having an orgasm be harmful to pregnancy?

It is true that orgasm produces a contraction of the uterus, but calm that by having an orgasm you will not give birth.

On the contrary, endorphins are released that invade all the cells of the body producing an intense feeling of well-being. In addition, endorphins cross the placenta, producing the same sensation in the baby.

7) In which cases is it contraindicated to have sex during pregnancy?

It is the doctor who must indicate whether it is safe or not for the continuity of pregnancy to continue having sex. It is contraindicated, in general, in cases where the uterus needs rest as a threat of abortion, threat of premature delivery, rupture of amniotic sac or placenta previa.

If it is a multiple pregnancy, from the last trimester contractions due to orgasm could dilate the cervix and there would be a risk of premature delivery.

8) When to stop?

It is necessary to stop if when making love you notice pain, discomfort or cramping, very strong contractions, if there are bleeding or loss of amniotic fluid. It is also contraindicated if you have already broken waters, because of the risk of infection.

Anyway, even if there is no penetration, there are many other ways to experience sexuality.

9) Does making love help speed birth?

Maintaining sexual intercourse in the final stretch of pregnancy is a natural way to speed up labor when it does not arrive. Although recent research discards it, the sperm contains prostaglandins, which are precisely the hormones that are used to induce labor.

Ideally, make love by ejaculating man inside the vagina. If you also reach orgasm, better than better, because orgasms cause contractions in the uterus.

10) Is sexual abstinence necessary in pregnancy?

After all that we have commented, flatly no. Sex is beneficial for both the couple and the baby, with which, unless there is a prescription for withdrawal due to the danger of continuing pregnancy, having sex during pregnancy is absolutely recommended.

Video: Can you have sex during pregnancy? (July 2024).