Star Wars and Domino action figures are already part of the Toy Hall of Fame

This year the Toy Hall of Fame in the United States at The Strong Museum of Play (New York), has selected Star Wars action figures, and Dominoes As honor toys.

This 'Hall of Fame' recognizes each annuity (since 1998) toys that have been inspiring children for years to create, learn and discover through play. Among the criteria for selection are longevity (no passing fads) or 'discovery': those toys that foster the ability to learn and create through play. Innovation in design is also valued, including the renovation of classic toys, and popular recognition of a particular game.

Any toy can be nominated through the Toy Hall of Fame website, and subsequently a jury formed by historians, educators and personalities from the world of creation and design, decide which are the chosen ones to be part of the select sample.

Dominoes and Star Wars action figures have accompanied other finalists such as Clue, Twister, Lite - Brite or the tea set until their appointment

After the success of Stars Wars in 1977, the toys related to the movie saga began to proliferate, and today it is not possible to visit a toy store where we do not meet Hans Solo, Princess Leia, Luke Skywalker, Cheewaka and the other characters, in the form of dolls for children to play ...


Much more entrenched is the domino, the origin of which is located in the nineteenth century in China.

Other years the chosen ones have been Crayola Crayons, Scrabble, bicycles, the versatility of the cardboard boxes, the puzzle, the marbles or Mr. Potato. Anyone You can nominate a toy for the annual induction in the Toy Hall of Fame, what would be your choice?

Video: Toy Hall of Fame, Rochester, NY (July 2024).