Today's education cannot be competitive: children need to meet and live together

I present a video hosted on the channel 'I studied in the public', shows an interview with Francesco Tonucci (also known by the pseudonym 'Frato'). Many will know their comic strips, some of them with a very critical vision towards certain educational methods.

But Tonucci, in addition to making us smile, It also helps us think and reflect. He is an Italian thinker and psychopedagogue whose ideas have proved very important for hundreds of parents and educators. In the video he analyzes from his point of view some of the points of the LOMCE, and I have briefly transcribed the ideas, although it is worth it to listen to it whole (lasts only 10 minutes). I like how he expresses and transmits ideas, also his way of speaking conveys a lot of calm.

In Tonucci's opinion the school cannot be competitive, especially today, when children find it so difficult to meet and live together (due to the rise of communications over the internet). On a social level, the function of the school is very strong: 'it is about adding knowledge'. I found it very important that it should be noted that The 'judge' of this process (schooling) cannot be the market, but happiness.

He does not believe there are more important disciplines, and other secondary ones. Before, families were looking for an institution in the school to complete the training offered at home. Hoy on the day that children are schooled from an early age, everyone is being offered a school for few. It is still thought that the most important thing is to know how to read, write, calculate, but all languages ​​are worthy.

They are the ones that will shape society tomorrow, those who decide how to build it, this function cannot be delegated to the market

As for Early Childhood Education, it is emphasized that the most important years in life are first, and therefore this stage must have a lot of weight within the educational trajectory. Wrong thinking has been generalized (not only in Spain) as it is considered less important than University Education.

This last thought generates a bit of rejection, not because I doubt the importance of Early Childhood Education, but because in my opinion, early schooling (three, four years) cannot replace the attention of families, in a moment of life in which children still need a lot of presence from parents to strengthen the bond. I know that this clashes with what many of you think, and it would not always be possible to delay entering school, but that is what I think.

Tonucci also tells us about diversified education, which has long recognized the right of all children to go to the same school. 'What you learn is much more than what you learn'The important thing is that children can share experiences and not that they can develop skills separately.

During the interview, special attention is paid to 'good teachers', who are alone or isolated when parents highlight the value of classical teaching methods thinking they are the best. People who prepare and fight for the dignity of education, those who advance in the new pedagogies, deserve support.

I conclude with a phrase 'education is related to happiness. It is not worth giving up the reason we were born: to be happy, to adapt to the market. '

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