March is oral health month with Colgate and offers free dental checkups

Colgate celebrates in March 2013 the oral health month and offers free dental checkups. This is an initiative of Colgate and SEPA (Spanish Society of Periodontology) to raise awareness among the population, including children, about the importance of oral hygiene. The action involves more than 4,500 dentists throughout Spain that will open the doors of their clinics to voluntarily perform free dental checkups.

They have also been enabled mobile clinics so that all citizens can have free dental checkups. It is convenient to review the conditions because it does not include treatments or radiographic examination. The informative action with the mobile clinic will take place between March 6 and 10 in Madrid.

The chosen sites are (it is convenient to look at the Colgate web page that provides detailed information on schedules and conditions):

  • March 6, Universidad Complutense (Ramón y Cajal Square)
  • March 7, Autonomous University
  • March 8, European University of Madrid - Villaviciosa de Odón
  • March 9, La Gavia Shopping Center
  • March 10, Madrid Xanadú Shopping Center

To participate In the Month of the Oral Health of Colgate and SEPA, those interested will have to visit the Colgate page where they can register to perform the free check-ups. With Google Maps you will be able to know the available associated offices closest to your home. All registered people will have the option of winning a treatment valued at 250 euros. The election of the winner will be made, in a random way, by choosing a daily registration.

SEPA It is the scientific foundation of reference in Spain in the field of Periodontics and Implantology. It is a non-profit organization that includes more than 3,300 associates being one of the most dynamic dental communities in Europe.

Video: Oral Health Month - Keep Jamaica Smiling (July 2024).