Reviews of the healthy child: what they are for

The healthy child reviews are framed within Healthy Child Health Programs of the different autonomous communities. As in the case of vaccines, each community has its own ways of acting, but in general they all combine the same criteria when assessing the health status of children.

Many parents often believe that if the child is not ill it is not necessary to go to the reviews, but sometimes they are more important than the consultations themselves. We tell you what are healthy child reviews for?.

The importance of healthy child checkups

The purpose of the reviews is the prevention and detection of diseases or problems that the child may have.

It is intended to promote healthy habits, favor an adequate family and social environment, prevent the onset of infectious diseases through vaccination, and detect early congenital anomalies and health risks.

They could be divided into three periods with different specific objectives regarding the detection of diseases and care in the child:

* 0 to 2 years: focused on the prevention of infectious and congenital diseases and on facilitating the adaptation of parents to the care of the baby.

* 2 to 5 years: Special emphasis is placed on detecting developmental problems and sensory defects and on the education of basic habits (sleep, hygiene ...).

* 6 to 14 years: the definitive habits of feeding, hygiene, behavior, sleep… are acquired, fruit of the situation of change in adolescence. It is important to work with the parents the family environment.

Recommended ages for healthy child checkups

When our baby is born they give us what is known as Child Health Document, a notebook in which we will monitor and monitor the health of our little one during his first years of life until adolescence.

From the day he is born, we must periodically go to our primary care center at the ages corresponding to the healthy child check-ups.

During the first two years the visits are regularly every two or three months. From that age they will only be every two years. Some reviews also coincide with the application of vaccines to optimize the visit.

  • Newborn (between the 5th and 10th day of life)
  • 1 month
  • 2 months
  • 4 months
  • 6 months
  • 9 months
  • 12 months
  • 15 months
  • 18 months
  • 2 years
  • 4 years
  • 6 years
  • Eight years
  • 11 years

The parents, a fundamental piece

The reviews assess the general state of the child's health, but the parents are as or more important than the evaluation itself, since they are the ones who know the child best.

It is time to comment on the things that concern us, gestures, behaviors or symptoms that we observe in our children. Maybe little things that we don't care about can hide a motive that is best resolved as soon as possible.

It is also time to take away any doubts we may have about feeding, sleeping or caring for the baby or the child.

It is because of that healthy child checkups are very important for the health of our children, as well as respecting the recommended age, since they are crucial moments in their development.

Video: Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child Book Review (July 2024).