Beautiful representation of the world of a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Bringing a disorder to the world in order to make them understand a little more about what it is, without using too technical language, is not an easy task. However, from time to time we find small jewels, such as the video of Specialist Academy or this one Lovely representation of the world of a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

The author of this graphic report, which he has titled "Echolilia" (in relation to one of the most common symptoms within the Autism Spectrum Disorder: Echolalia, which consists of the repetition of words without functional meaning), is the photographer Thimothy Archibald, who wants to make us know his son Elijah, who has this disorder.

The story of how this photo report came about is very emotional since, initially it was a work of documentation about the disorder suffered by his son. Later, following this close relationship created (in addition to family ties themselves) through photography, the father was able to understand your child's universe a little more .

In the photographs we can see some of Elijah's most common habits and that, in a way, baffled his father. But once the photographs started, little Elijah liked to participate in the activity his father was doing.

The "Echolilia" project can help all those who are not familiar with this disorder to understand the situation of these children, in addition to demonstrating that both parents and children can create a link that allows them to communicate even without words.

To see the photographs, you just have to click on the link that appears a little below. I don't know about you, but after seeing this Lovely representation of the world of a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder it can be affirmed that, sometimes, "a picture is worth a thousand words".

Video: Animated Explanation of Autism (July 2024).