If you need more time to be with your children, maybe this Chicco initiative may interest you

Parents tend to have serious problems over time, especially since we urgently need to be able to dedicate part of our days to children, and there are times that we hardly get it.

Even if we postpone activities that have nothing to do with work, or discard the possibility of having coffee with a childhood friend (our children are more important) ... we don't even recover those precious minutes!

I tell you this, because Chicco has thought about all these organizational problems we have, and has decided Give time to parents!... ... so that they enjoy their children. How ?, the leading brand in baby care has developed a novel initiative: when you buy a toy, you enter the raffle for monthly bonuses for professional domestic services.

From May 15 to September 15, a total of 17 monthly service bonuses will be given, including cleaning, ironing or purchase for a total of 3 hours per week per month

Chicco wants to put himself next to the parents so they can spend more time with their children. And parents can find other initiatives to solve the problem we encounter when various more or less necessary tasks "steal" that precious time. In Peques y Más we have already presented the idea of ​​Etece, which can become a meeting point between people who lack time and various professionals who can solve the execution of various tasks.

The bell will be active both in toy stores and in the brand's own stores, and to participate you must register with the purchase ticket of a Chicco toy on the promotional website.

Video: Alice Goffman: How we're priming some kids for college and others for prison (July 2024).