Keys to prevent consequences of extreme heat: hydration, fruits, vegetables and common sense

Today it is raining in Bilbao, although the inhabitants of Valencia seek the beach to cool off; we are living a Spring of many contrasts, but the truth is that temperatures have risen a lot in recent days.

And as we believe the warnings to protect children from excessive heat are never enough, today we bring you again some recommendations that can be complemented with previous articles published in Peques and More. From the University of Granada, they remind us that among the groups of The most vulnerable population are those under five. At home we should drink water frequently (even if we are not thirsty), offer children, and also give them whenever they ask for it even if it's early in the morning. We can continue with our usual diet, yes, we will suppress very hot dishes and heavy meals. In hot weather it is better to increase the amount of vegetables and fruits we buy and consume.

In summer, it is better aerate the house very early, or evening evening. The rest of the day, we will keep the blinds of the windows located on the facades that receive the sun partially down, depending on the time of day, the curtains, better runs. Showering or wetting with wet towels relieves a lot, and also staying in the coolest places in the house.

Outside the home and whenever possible, let's avoid leaving between 12 and 19 hours, although if we go out, we protect the heads of the whole family, we go through the shade, we wear light colored clothes, our water bottle (and that of the kids). Let's not forget to protect ourselves also from the sun's rays. No one stays inside a closed car, and we cannot leave children under any circumstances inside the vehicle without adult supervision.

As we had said here, exposure to high temperatures can have serious health consequences. It is good to know what they are cramps, heat stroke, and heat exhaustion, as well as knowing how to act in these situations.

It is important to remember that exposure to extreme temperatures can cause losses of liquids and mineral salts, hence the importance of drinking water and eating fruits and vegetables

And if we have to worry about our children, too we must help children who spend a lot of time at home alone, or to older people who do not have direct attention from family members. Nothing is hard for us to ask our neighbors, if they care that their child spends a few hours in our house, so he can be taken care of, or ring the bell of the old woman who lives in the street below and ask if he has drunk water.