If your child performs physical exercise you will get benefits for his health and development

In Peques y Más we already know the FAROS notebook that details the benefits of physical activity in the child's development, and since we are starting a new school year, I thought it would be very interesting that We all remember what are the advantages of children and adolescents exercising regularly.

Naturally, to achieve and maintain a good level of physical health, we must also pay attention to food. And the best way to show the way to our children is by our own example in both cases. But let's see in detail what can we expect when our children develop the habit of physical exercise: Cognitive level they can acquire greater attention span and better academic performance, will be less likely to suffer from depressive or anxiety disorders, and will improve their mood and emotional state. From the psychological and social point of view they will improve their well-being, self-confidence and self-esteem, they will also favor their socialization and autonomy; in addition to probably acquiring values ​​such as perseverance, perseverance, humility, effort, teamwork, discipline, cooperation, companionship ...

eye! because to reach those values, the attitude of the parents must also accompany, since we all know examples of parents who increase and insult the small players of the opposing team.

We will not fail to mention that children who exercise, they have an optimal state of healthThey feel better and feel stronger, they can also control an adequate weight status and reduce the chances of suffering from diseases in adulthood (such as diabetes, osteoporosis, obesity, cardiovascular diseases and certain types of cancer). Besides the sport practiced correctly, it favors the prevention of injuries.

The FAROS notebook highlights the importance that children have to exercise regularly and stresses, however, that they should never do it in a forced way or under pressure, but must play sports as a game, as a recreational and socialization space in which the child has fun and acquires values

Different professionals in medicine, physiotherapy, nutrition and sports have collaborated in its elaboration.

Video: Strength and agility exercises for kids (July 2024).