Week 30 of pregnancy: your bones are developed, but still flexible

We arrived at the pregnancy week 30 in our review of pregnancy week by week. If everything goes well this is already a good week to start preparatory classes, although usually they start a little later.

Changes in the baby in the 30th week of pregnancy

The baby's measurements are about 39 cm from head to toe and the weight is over 1,500 grams

The bones are already developed, but they are still soft and flexible. To give them firmness, the baby begins to store iron, calcium and phosphorus.

You can already differentiate between flavors sweet and salty. (I've always wondered how doctors know that. Have you come to ask him?)

its respiratory system, keep maturing, and in fact, your baby rehearses respiratory movements and has hiccups every day. But above all the biggest change we will find in maturation of the baby's nervous system.

Regarding your sense of hearing, the baby start listening to bass sounds better (low frequency), such as the maternal heartbeat and the voice of his father (good time to talk to the navel).

Changes in the mother in the 30th week of pregnancy

The baby at these weeks begins to be located in the final position that will be at birth, that is, head down and you may notice him embedded in the cervix. The baby begins to prepare for the time of delivery, although it can still turn more times.

Right now, fetus kicks can be very uncomfortable, especially those close to the ribs and in the diaphragm.

Your belly is already very bulky and very tight skin, which can cause you annoying itching, so you should hydrate the area well.

There are 10 weeks left until the end and It is a good time to consider reducing your pace of life If you had not already done so. You must have time to relax, rest and take care of yourself.

From this week until week 36, visits to the gynecologist are made every four or six weeks.

Though Every pregnant and every baby is a world These are the main changes that occur in the mother and the baby during pregnancy week 30. Do not stop following your pregnancy week by week.

Next week: pregnancy week 31

Video: 36 Weeks Pregnant: Watch the Growth of Your Baby (July 2024).