What to do when your child is uncovered at night?

One of the greatest fears of mothers is cold. They are so afraid that they spend the day wrapping their children with sweaters and scarves, with hats and gloves, so that they don't get a "speck" of cold on their bodies. At night, they put on magnificent pajamas and cover them up to the neck so they sleep well warm.

However, that fear of mothers clashes head-on with one of the biggest fears of children: the clothes she wore. If you put on a sweater, the most common thing is to take it off after a while. The scarf holds even less, and the hat only while it makes them funny.

The gloves are annoying, because they don't let them do anything and at night, alas! at night, the blanket, duvet or Nordic end up at the foot of the bed and the children on the opposite side, as if fleeing, with their pajamas up, the belly in the air and their mothers terrified to see them like this. Therefore, to help you in this scene today we answer the question: What to do when your child is uncovered at night?

Ask yourself "why is it uncovered?"

This is the answer to the question. If you see your child uncover at night, before starting to buy immobilizer bags, ghost sheets that catch the child or polar bear model pajamas we have to ask ourselves why is it uncovered. Surely we will soon conclude that they are uncovered because they are hotter than us.

We warm them like we do, but a little more, just in case, and it turns out that they are less cold than us at night and what we are doing is that they do not sleep comfortably, with so much heat.

In Babies and more Sleeping well is vital for the child: habits for your child to have a restful sleep

I have it checked. You put a chubby pajama on a child and cover it with the comforter and in an hour or two you have it crying completely sweaty. The next night you put on a thinner pajamas, but you cover it again with the comforter and after two hours it starts to move, to complain, and when you look at it you see that it has a wet back and a wet pillow.

On one of those nights, because of the heat that has passed, he wakes up with a horrible dry cough, the so-called dog cough or laryngeal cough. That cough that tells you that the vocal cords have swollen producing a noise of agonizing breathing, the noise of the air passing through the throat, almost no space to pass to reach the lungs. Interestingly, the shock treatment for that laryngitis is to take the child to the cold: you surround him with a blanket, you take him out to the balcony so that breathe fresh air and little by little the inflammation is reduced.

I continue with the home tests, you leave it with a rather fine pajamas and cover it with the comforter, but not up, but in a slightly baggy way and only halfway up the chest and there it seems that it sleeps well. Thus, there are days when they are uncovered more and days when they are uncovered less, but at least they do not sweat.

Do I talk about babies?

No, I don't talk about babies. I speak of children able to uncover without problems every night. Children over one year and maybe less than five or six years (because by those ages they begin to uncover less). If I talked about babies I would tell you what I told you in another post: the less soft clothes the better and cover it with a sheet, but not with a blanket. If we talk about a very cold place, where blanket is needed, in that same aishazd entrance it left us a great idea: to put the baby on the feet of the cradle and put the clothes in a way that covers only the body. That way he will never cover his face. As the baby grows, the bedding is climbed so that only the body is covered again.

The moment you see them begin to uncover, it is better to put them a chubby pajamas and lighter bedding. If they don't uncover, fine. If they uncover, also good.

And finally they reach the age when they sometimes uncover and sometimes they don't. Then what I have mentioned above would come, the advice of putting on a rather fine pajamas and covering them with blanket, duvet or Nordic, but not up to the neck, and leaving it loose.

What happens if they sweat

If we go over, if we shelter them a lot so that they do not go cold it can happen that they spend too much heat and sweat. Then there is danger. They sweat, they uncover because they are hot and then they are discovered in a wet pajamas. That is scary, and not cold. That's when the child can take what he doesn't have.

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Why I'm not afraid of the cold anymore

I am not afraid of the cold. First because I am a man, and normally we fear him much less than moms, and secondly because experience has shown me that I should not fear him. My children have passed, since they were born, barefoot winters. I put on shoes, then, when they were removed, socks, and in the end everything is left over. Barefoot in summer and barefoot in winter. "And they don't catch a cold?" People tell me. "Well, no," I answer. No more than any child.

But that is not all, my three children, all three, have had a hobby that I did not know in children: undress the one they could. More or less between 2 and 3 years, the three have dedicated themselves, day yes, day too, to take off their clothes at home whenever they have been able. At first it doesn't make you very funny: it's winter, it's barefoot and on top of it naked! But in the end, when you see that they do it every day and they are still alive, when you see that they have boogers, they undress, and far from dying they heal, because you end up passing the subject. "Is it cool to go naked? Then get naked, son."

So when a child is uncovered, then sign that it is hot. Then time passes, they get a little older and, as I told you, stop doing it. To the delight of their mothers, they wake up covered. So calm down, do not fear the cold so much and if they uncover ask why, you are surely harboring them too much.

In Babies and more, early dressing children has benefits for them, and for parents: science says so

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In Babies and more | Do you have cold feet? Put on fatter socks, not another sweater, Newborn care: How much clothes should be put on? Should children decide how much warm clothes to wear?

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