Would you tolerate bullying among adults in a work environment as you do with bullying?

The next time you feel like saying "but they are children's things", when in a class meeting, or in a talk between parents, you hear about some children from your child's school who have bullied another ... think about it!

Think that children suffer when they are victims of bullying, that this is not always so obvious, that if you do not 'open your eyes' you become an accomplice of the aggressions. Think that you do not know everything and that your words are not a dogma, that the parents who listen to you may not be dragged by you, and especially that (unfortunately on this subject) the episodes of bullying in your children's school, They are happening even if you don't believe it. If you believe that the law of the strongest should govern, your position is the one that corresponds, but If you have the secret hope that it is possible to protect children from violence, it's time to act.

This video can help 'act' because perhaps watching what happens to hundreds of children every day around the world, by representing some adults, think twice about trivializing the helplessness of some children.

The scenes depicted would not be tolerable in a work environment, so why allow them at school?

Video: STOP Your Boss From Bullying You at work (May 2024).