How to stimulate the linguistic development of the baby?

The language cannot be "practiced", the baby is born with the linguistic capacity that will allow him, little by little, to develop the language. Unless there are problems, through appropriate behavior we can stimulate the linguistic development of the baby.

It is not about trying to talk earlier and better, because there are certain limitations that only with the passing of the months, as it grows, the baby will overcome. But we can show ourselves "open" to more effective communication with the baby and allow him to develop his full potential, stimulating him.

That is, what we want is to enhance an enriching environment. It is proven that education, income or social status, the family environment or the psychological condition of the parents influence the language development of the children. Let's see how to communicate better with the baby.

Tips to stimulate baby's language development

Although there are some natural limits for the baby to emit its first syllables (and let's not say words or phrases), we can speak to them from birth. In fact, from the mother's womb they already recognize the voice of the mother. That sound will reassure them once they are born.

  • Therefore, you have to talk from the beginning with the baby. Our tone and sounds induce the baby not only to recognition but to imitation. The baby imitates articulatory sounds, which still have no meaning for him.

  • We must respond to the sounds that the baby emits so that he soon understands the communicative nature of the language.

  • Not only do they communicate with words: gestures and noises (clicks, pebbles ...) that we can teach them are one of the first communicative mechanisms of babies.

  • You have to use simple words and phrases and repeat them multiple times for everyday objects or family beings, so that the baby begins to understand the relationship between language and reality.

  • This does not mean that we continually use diminutive or invented words, since it would go into what should not be done to stimulate children's language according to some scholars.

  • We can also use more complex phrases, we should sing or tell stories ... The melodies calm them and are very pleasant. It is never too early to start telling stories and children are "sponges" who learn vocabulary long before they can speak.

  • Let's talk about what we are doing in each moment ("We comb your hair with the brush, we wash your face, now let's eat ...") so that the child makes his connections and understands different actions and the passage of time when a phrase referring to the same action is repeated.

  • Give the baby time to "answer", leave spaces between your comments, encourage him to "talk" with his noises, pebbles, syllables ... Ask him questions and not just affirmations.

  • Play a lot with the child: The game is the best learning mode and through this we interact with the baby. That he also plays with other older children who can talk to him (brothers, cousins, neighbors ...).

  • Books, music or interactive toys stimulate and play an active role in brain development and language ability. Leave books and toys at your fingertips.

  • Babies' first interactions are to ask for things (water, dolls, cookies ...), they do it through gestures or sounds later. When the time passes and the child already emits his first words, do not give it to him immediately: encourage him to ask for it in another way because that way he will strive to emit new sounds, since at this point he already knows what his name is called.

  • Don't compare, each child goes at his own pace, very small can already feel pressure or disappointment on our part and this would cause an opposite effect to what we want.

If with the passing of the months you notice that the baby does not make any linguistic advance, we may find ourselves facing some language disorder. Consult the pediatrician, although probably if there is a serious problem they will have already detected it, so it is most likely that it is a simple delay.

In short, the general recommendation to stimulate the baby's linguistic development is that we communicate a lot with him, that we take care of him by giving him enough time because in this way everything will be ready for proper development in many more ways.

Photos | Thinkstock On Babies and more | A Baby Reading Club: it's never too early to start, What can parents do to stimulate language (I) and (II)

Video: Baby and Toddler Milestones, Dr. Lisa Shulman (July 2024).