A law is requested to protect breastfeeding in public

We may be approaching her. As in other countries such as the United Kingdom, in Spain a law is requested to protect breastfeeding in public.

Hopefully so, because it is a right that I believe should be protected, the unfortunate thing is that a law must be established for it. It's like making a law so that a person can eat when they are hungry. The baby has the right to be fed when and where it is. Do we need a law that protects something so normal and natural? It looks like it is.

The fact is that Breastfeeding in Freedom, an association created from the Primark case, a mother who was thrown out of one of her stores for breastfeeding her baby, do you remember ?, has sent to Congress an initiative that defends the right of women to breastfeed their children in public places.

The petition is accompanied by a series of signatures that it has managed to collect and the Congress Petitions Committee has agreed to forward the request to the Health and Social Services Commission. In November of last year he received a similar initiative, so we hope that with everyone’s collaboration, the law is getting closer.

What is intended is avoid acts of discrimination for breastfeeding a baby in public places such as restaurants, airplanes, shops, libraries, etc., which although it may seem a lie, continue to happen very often. In fact, the association Lactancia en Libertad is preparing a map of cases reported by women who have been discriminated against.

As much as it bothers anyone who bothers you, the fundamental right of the baby to be fed prevails over any right of admission. It is not intended to bother anyone, but something as simple as satisfying the need of a child who is hungry.

I think it is a necessary law and I hope it will come out soon so that there is no more case of discrimination, although as I said before it seems unfortunately that it should be something that is regulated by law and not by common sense.

By the way, there is a collection of signatures in progress in case you want to contribute your grain of sand to the cause.

Video: Breastfeeding battle prompts employee training at public pools (July 2024).