Cooking with children is fashionable, also at home?

Something good (surely more than one thing) had to bring this boom of the television programs in which you cook, older, small, family of both ... I note that cooking with children is fashionable, an activity that we have always recommended for the good experience of timeshare with our children.

Now proliferate cooking workshops for children, but at home we have a good opportunity to make children like the kitchen and not be afraid of the stove. Even who knows, we will soon be surprised with their first recipe of their own ...

Cooking workshops can be an option available to fewer people, and also tend to be without parental involvement. Therefore, we stay with our own workshops at home.

Cooking with children is not just a matter of flavors, it goes much further. It is a whole learning in which we enjoy together in a safe way.

Children from babies become familiar with what we bring in the kitchen and soon, with a few years, they will be able to put their grain of sand: kneading here, pouring salt there, washing the fruit and vegetables ... From there to beating eggs or breading, the possibilities are multiple and as children grow up they will want to get more involved.

But not only do we confine ourselves to the kitchen. We have to let the child also get involved in shopping at the supermarket, when making the list or making the menu. Choose the ingredients and serve the food, all part of this taste for cooking.

Try to have varied, healthy ingredients from all food groups, with special emphasis on fruits, vegetables and fish, which sometimes cost them so much to eat.

Fun and safety cooking

Between safety tips We must continue to make the experience of cooking with children perfect, we highlight the following:

  • The child can never be alone in the kitchen, as an accident could occur in an oversight.
  • Nor can you use sharp knives (you have to teach them the danger of the sharp side), so we will be in charge of peeling or cutting those foods that need it.
  • Assign appropriate tasks to your age.
  • Watch the extinguishing of fires, controlling the time.
  • Do not leave the handles of pans or casseroles out, as they could take it and dump.
  • Teach them also that they should not approach the fire or the oven.

And even if we are not or are cooking, remember that in the kitchen there are a large number of home accidents (next to the bathroom and the garage), so we must take into account the general advice of child safety in the kitchen, such as keeping out reach dangerous utensils and cleaning products, plug the plugs ...

To enjoy this activity you also have to choose the right time, when we feel like it for adults and children, when there is enough time, on weekends if during the week it is more complicated due to work and school hours.

Ask your child what he would like to do, encourage him to create his own recipe book drawing the dishes, teach him the basic procedures and ultimately I entered the kitchen bug. And how about we make a chef's hat?

We don't want them to be great cooks or win contests, just enjoy cooking and helping to cook. Also to this end may have contributed toy kitchens (of course, for boys and girls).

Definitely, It is possible to cook with our little chefs at home, surely you have a good time, learn and also taste tasty recipes, starting with the simplest and making other very original. And you, do you dare to cook with the kids at home?

Photos | Thinkstock
In Babies and more | Cooking, learning and children, Prevent accidents in the kitchen

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