Breast milk, different for boys and girls?

We know that breast milk varies its fat and protein composition according to the age of the baby, since colostrum for the newborn is not the same as milk for a one-year-old child. But in many ways, breast milk remains a mystery. For example, Is breast milk different for boys and girls?

Some time ago we were talking about a study that suggested that breast milk could change its composition as it was intended for boys and girls and if we return to the subject it is because it has recently been held in a meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in which One of the responsible researchers spoke on the subject.

We see in the video Katie Hinde, professor of human evolutionary biology at Harvard University, who found higher levels of cortisol in the milk of rhesus macaque females who had had a male offspring or more calcium for female offspring (these develop its skeleton before males, a pattern of accelerated growth also present in chimpanzees and humans).

In his words, macaque mothers change the "biological recipe" of their milk to breastfeed sons or daughters. His work shows that differences in milk could change the behavior of the offspring and affect growth and development.

In the video we also see the expert talking about the differences between breast milk and formulas, which do not contain everything "medicinal" of breast milk and points out that, although research in this regard could help improve formula milks Above all, it would be to help better select donated milk for infants who need it.

He also comments that, although the benefits of breastfeeding are widely known, many women do not get it, and would need the support of the couple and the environment, a support that we often talk about in the blog.

The explanation for these differences between milk for boys and girls would be that fetus sex influences the development of the mammary glands, according to Katie Hinde. In addition, after birth the interactions between the mother and the offspring could increase, reduce or not vary these differences (and this is yet to be studied).

Anyway, An interesting video on the question of whether breast milk varies depending on the sex of the baby, sure that gives rise to other research in this area. And, what is clear to us is that millions of years of evolution have made breast milk the perfect food for babies.

Video | Youtube
In Babies and more | Breast milk composition may change depending on socioeconomic factors, Breast milk classes