How can I enjoy breastfeeding leave? Legal keys you should know

The breastfeeding permit is a right that both the mother and the father have in either cases of birth, adoption or foster care of a child, until the baby turns nine months old. Questionable period if you want to extend breastfeeding for a longer time.

The right to a lactation permit can only be exercised by one of the parents only if both work. We will talk about how can you enjoy the breastfeeding permit and all the legal keys that you should know.

As reflected in article 37.4 of the Workers' Statute drafted again after the entry into force of the Labor Reform of July 6, 2012 there are three ways to enjoy breastfeeding leave:

  • Absent for an hour of the job position, in two fractions of half an hour, or in any other combination until reaching the maximum of one hour.

  • Reduction of the working day in half an hour at the entrance or exit. That is, if your schedule starts at 9 and ends at 6 pm, you can enter at 9.30 or leave at 17.30.

  • Accumulating the permit in full days, linking it to maternity leave. The lactation permit can be changed for 15 days in addition to maternity leave. The only case in which this option cannot be chosen is if the accumulation of the permit is not contemplated in the company agreement. In that case, you will have to reach an agreement to enjoy it. If not, you must choose between one of the previous two.

We remember that it is a right that you can enjoy both mother and father, regardless of whether the baby is breastfed or not, provided they both work.

However, there are those who think that it is discriminatory because it clearly favors the woman, but protects the baby's need to spend more time with her mother, even if that time is insufficient. His would be to extend maternity leave at least up to nine months and be able to enjoy up to two years, as established by the WHO, of the nursing license.

Video: How to Stop Breastfeeding (July 2024).