Pregnant women magazine: Christina Aguilera, proud to give her life

More and more pregnant women have no problems in showing their bodies to the world. Well, the famous pregnant women, who are the ones who occupy the front pages and pages of the pink press… Our colleagues from Poprosa tell us that Christina Aguilera is a pregnant magazine, as she poses naked with her big belly on the cover of V Magazine.

Proud of her body and of being "giving life", as the head of the report in the magazine says, she had no problems in showing some of the sensual images of the photo shoot even before they were published.

As a woman, I am proud to love my body through all its states during life. You have to be confident and fearless about the unknowns the future holds

In the images she looks great with her big belly, naked in some, covered with a semi-transparent dress in others, so as not to hide anything of the resounding beauty she looks at the moment (maybe helped by a little Photoshop, but we are already used ... ).

The case is that, as Christina Aguilera posing pregnant, we think that no pregnant woman has to be ashamed of her body, that she can be beautiful and pregnant, another thing is that most mortals do not pay us for posing in photographs to show off in half the world ...

Video: Christina Aguilera Is Unrecognizable Today (July 2024).