The refreshing and natural juices are for the summer

In they have a recommendation for enjoy refreshing juices in Madrid Although in many places throughout Spain you can also find the sweet taste of freshly squeezed fruit to spend these days of intense heat. Is now season of watermelon, melon, peaches, pears, apples, etc. and although they are very good whole too crushed are fantastic to take by the sea, the river, the pool or walking through the city. At home we take them whole, under the pool a few pieces of freshly peeled fruit and fly between the fingers and the mouths of the little ones to which it refreshes and gives them vitamins.

Of those cited in the article of I recommend, especially to go with kids and enjoy an excellent snack, the ChessCafé of Paseo de la Esperanza 2, in Madrid. It is a classic cafe that offers Quality Products, produced in the cafeteria although juices are delicious and very generous.

We remember that a glass of juice daily It is a healthy habit because the body assimilates 95% of nutrients and also because it can help alleviate some common mild conditions and discomforts. For example, it is excellent against constipation if it is also accompanied by a diet rich in fiber. As a restorative if we have kids tiredly nothing better than mixing an apple, orange and lemon juice or also the banana juice mixed with carrot and melon.

Many times for lack of time we do not usually make this delicious drink, and the natural juice is something that the little ones usually like and that can bring you a great variety of vitamins and minerals. Now that we can spend a little more time it is worth going to the market to buy supplies and take advantage of a little while at home to incorporate it for breakfast, snack or as I like, lower it to the pool and give it in small pieces an hour or more, before eating. And so they can still have a lot of vitality and energy until lunch time.

Video: 6 Refreshing Summer Drinks6Easy Fruit juice Recipes for SummersFruit JuiceSummer Drinkmyflavours (July 2024).