Board games for children under six

As I told you last week, board games seem like an indispensable resource for home and classroom. And I promised to bring you some of my Favorite board games for children under six.

In my work I recommend using them a lot, as well as movies, cartoons, computer games and, in general, educational tools that connect with the emotion of the child and the subjects that he is passionate about. And they are ideal for rainy afternoons or if the child is sick at home.

As children grow up Board Games They will become a real treasure with endless possibilities. There are cooperative games, strategy games, resource management games and mental and memory agility games.

In addition, there are games inspired by historical, scientific and literary themes that encourage the child to want to investigate more and reinforce their knowledge. In general, any board game will serve as a starting point to pull the thread and end up learning about science, agriculture, travel, transportation, research, history or myths. Always looking for them to be appropriate to the child's development time and tastes.

Some of those that I consider indispensable such as Dominion, Agricola, Age of Empires, Puerto Rico, will need some years to enjoy them, but there are great games on the market designed for children under six who will introduce them into this fascinating world and that will make them explore their abilities of strategy, memory and empathy.

Let's see some today board games for children under six that can become a basic in your afternoons with children and that in any classroom can be considered as resources to reinforce skills and knowledge.

In my recommendations I usually lower the age that manufacturers sometimes mark, counting that the children who will play them must be really interested and that parents or teachers will collaborate with them so that they can learn and have fun.

Most games that mark from six years if the child enjoys and attends to the explanations can start playing with four.

The age that the child has is a fundamental premise is that he enjoys the game, even if it is a short time, and that we accompany him without pressure or criticism, but letting himself be dragged by the same joy that the little ones put.

Catán Junior

Settlers Catan It is one of the most popular games and, in its classic version, marks a recommendation from ten years. The objective of the game is to build towns, cities and roads on a board that is different every time. It is a game in which resource management skills, negotiation skills, understanding of space, strategy are encouraged.

The Junior version of Colonos de Catán, Kids of Catan, is simplified and can be played from four years. Despite its simplicity, it works on the same premises as the classic version, teaching children the basics of resource management and an introduction to agricultural life. They love.

Carcassonne Junior

Caracassonne It is another of the most famous games in recent years. It is set in a medieval city and consists of achieving territorial improvements and control of areas of interest and buildings. It is recommended from ten years in its normal version and encourages spatial vision, decision making and planning, also introducing us to the knowledge of the Middle Ages.

He Carcassonne Junior It is a variation of the normal game and is ideal for children from four years old. Children should lay tiles and make decisions that favor their interests and plan strategies. I even tell you that for adults it is not boring at all.


There are many variants of Memory, a game that stimulates reflex speed, memory, visual agility, and pattern recognition. The objective of the game is to find pairs of images by lifting and hiding two cards per turn.

This game stimulates and helps develop children's visual memory and we can even design our own Memory with photos or drawings of things that are recognizable to the little ones or to work letters and numbers at an initiation level.

Long live mole

It can be played from 4 years and is a typical travel game, in which a gluttonous cat chases all the mice that try to reach the Wonderland of the Mice. It is a game of chance but with a great strategic component, which encourages decision making, planning and understanding of the causes and consequences. Great.

Other initiation games

I encourage you to use these board games for children under six In your homes or classrooms. And in addition, although others on paper appear as recommended at six years of age, they can be introduced into the children's play world a little earlier, provided we are willing to sit with them and accompany this discovery that will provide them with hours and hours of fun and learning all his life.

Video: Six Review - with The Board Game Family (July 2024).