The AEP shows its disagreement with the book “Victims of breastfeeding. No dogmatisms or trenches! ”

Armando told us a few days ago: an unusual work approaches bookstores. Your title: “Victims of breastfeeding. No dogmatisms or trenches! ”, a book that has caused a strong rejection and against which the Spanish Association of Pediatrics has also positioned itself.

The reason for the commotion is quite logical, since the author, Dr. González Cano, a pediatrician, has fallen into errors and myths that come from outdated thinking and ignores current scientific evidence, ignoring WHO's breastfeeding recommendations.

Such outrage has caused the content of this book, which began a petition on for rectification, with the achievement of more than 9,000 signatures in a few days. This fact and the "pressures of lactivist groups" have led to the suspension of the presentation of the book by its author in Castellón.

Now too The Breastfeeding Committee of the Spanish Association of Pediatrics has made public its disagreement with the book "Victims of breastfeeding" and in a statement sets out the reasons:

We want to express our total disagreement with the opinions expressed by the author of the book on the back cover and in the press release of the presentation act, which contradict the scientifically proven benefits of breastfeeding in child health.

AEP reminders about breastfeeding

Then, The AEP collects the most important information about breastfeeding, these are based on scientific evidence, not to confuse the population, and end up remembering that breastfeeding is not a fad, as it is said in this book, but the normal pattern in human nutrition.

We summarize the highlights that "dismantle" the arguments put forward in the book, points that we often talk about in Babies and more:

  • The WHO, the European Union and the Breastfeeding Committee of the Spanish Association of Pediatrics recommend exclusive breastfeeding during the first six months of life, and supplemented with other foods until two years or more, that is, until the mother And the baby wants it. It doesn't matter if we talk about developing or developed countries, this is the same in everyone.

  • It is very important to respect the wishes of the mothers They have made an informed decision about the method of feeding that they will follow with their children. Therefore, the AEP requires respect for mothers who opt for breastfeeding, as well as those who opt for artificial breastfeeding at any time. It is not necessary to create or favor an unnecessary confrontation between both options, equally respectable.

  • Many of the problems mentioned (hypogalactia, probably not real, cracks, return to work) are the main causes of early and involuntary weaning, being able to solve with adequate support from well-trained and motivated professionals.

  • It is the responsibility of pediatricians to monitor the growth of children and, in case of difficulties, find the causes and offer solutions, together with the family. After six months, a varied diet rich in iron provides, along with breastfeeding on demand, all the necessary nutrients.

  • There is no scientific evidence that relates prolonged breastfeeding to hospital admissions due to malnutrition, anemia or rickets. If this occurs, we must look for the cause and offer solutions, together with the family.

  • Breastfeeding is beneficial both for the health of the child (decreased respiratory infections, otitis and diarrhea, less hospital admissions, lower risk of sudden infant death, autoimmune diseases and obesity ...), and of the mother (lower risk of bleeding in postpartum, breast and ovarian cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and depression) and its benefits are more evident after breastfeeding.

  • There is no scientific evidence to suggest that breastfeeding poses a greater risk of ingesting mercury and pesticides.

  • Regarding the "Oedipus complex"Nor is there evidence that associates prolonged breastfeeding with psychological problems or social maladjustment. Rather, it has been shown that breastfeeding is associated with a better cognitive and emotional development of the child.

  • Until 12 months of age, the new foods that are introduced in the baby's diet are "complementary" foods of breastfeeding, which continues to represent the main source of nutrients.

The AEP, in the end, also appeals to the professional responsibility of offering society information on breastfeeding based on demonstrable scientific evidence, something that has also worried the promoter of the petition, since being a doctor who works in Public Health, could be harming his patients if he offers recommendations contrary to the WHO or the AEPED.

Anyway, as we see the book “Victims of breastfeeding. No dogmatisms or trenches! ” It does not seem to have a good start and the fact that the AEP is positioned against realizes the weakness of its content. We will see what this is all about, because it could really have detrimental effects on health. The health of babies.