Summary of dads and moms blogs: of pregnancies, jealousy and dads that should come out of the closet

Today, as every Tuesday, we review the most interesting thing that has been read in some of the moms and dads blogs We can find on the net.

We started with another initiative of the network in which several have joined blogger parents to try to "get out of the closet" to all those parents who find it a little difficult to abandon the old roles of our parents and put themselves in the role of current father. With the hastag of #papanoteescondas (dad don't hide) blogs like My dad writes or THE Coup of Coup and many more have been encouraged to write, you can read their articles here and here and we, of course, encourage all parents to enjoy their children every day and to live together with their partner responsible parenthood.

In another order of things, from the blog of Between MomsChloe discovers how babies can learn sign language before they start talking. Amazing.

In Diary of a Mother Engineer He tells us how his eco-hope is or what is the same, those first moments from when there is a first confirmation until you see that everything is going well. He tells us about his uncertainties and fears, something very common in these dates and at the same time something that each future mother lives differently. From here we wish you the best of luck and congratulations on your pregnancy.

And from a recent mother to another who hopes to be soon, on the blog of Hipster from Extrarradio He tells us about his experiences seeking confirmation of the baby on the way and what he can do taking advantage of the fact that such confirmation does not arrive. We wish you good luck and hope to have good news soon.

In Batmami love He tells us how he is carrying that bimaternity now that his baby is growing and the requests for attention increase on the part of the elderly, a brave one.

In the blog of Cinnamon Bag He tells us about his experience with the costumes for his son and teaches us how to make a costume of Mr. Fredricksen, the old and cuddly freak of UP.

As we always tell you, if you have a blog where you talk about your motherhood or fatherhood and you want us to take a look, leave a comment in this post and we will look for future weekly reviews.