Royal bodies: some women remain as Abbey Clancy 10 weeks after having their second child

In Babies and more We are always very critical of the media when they try to influence women with cases of mothers who, having exercised a lot, have managed to stay as before pregnancy in a short time (remember the case of Vogue, for example), and we have always shared body images real, non-magazine cases, to show and demonstrate that it is normal, that pregnancy changes the body and that there is no reason to hide or be ashamed, because it is something that happens to the majority (and because it is already well of so much cult to the thin body).

However, there are some cases in which genetics are particularly potent, the constitution of thin women, and that although they are mothers, they are back to being as before a few weeks after giving birth. It is the case of Abbey Clancy, a model and television presenter, that although many people say that it is impossible and that it is Photoshop, I am sure that it is real. What do I know? Why I know a woman whose real body is like before having babies, after giving birth to three children.

Abbey is 29 years old (he is relatively young) and, according to the Daily Mail, he is spending a few days on vacation in Mallorca. To mitigate the heat a little he decided to go to the hotel pool with his mother, his brother, a friend and your 10 week old baby.

Well, it is what we assume, that it was to hang out and take a bath, because seeing the photos it seems that in fact it was very clear that there was a camera and it seems that he was just walking around and gesturing to be immortalized .

In any case it is what it is. She is a model of profession and lives on her body, so I guess she feels the obligation to always be perfect in public and probably thought that to have her photos "stolen" with her son, better to do well, everything prepared, so that it seems that she did not expect to be photographed.

What have you done to be like this?

But hey, what I was going to. Why is this woman so thin after giving birth to her second baby? Many people ask him, how is it possible that in just 10 weeks he has managed to be like that, what diet he has done, that he will have killed himself to play sports, that his son will be taking care of others while she is engaged in getting fit. I have already given you the answer: genetics issue, constitution. You may have exercised to help with the process, and diet, but you may not have done anything special.

I say this because Miriam, my wife, has given birth to three children and if I put her in a swimsuit and had to bet on who has given birth to three babies would bet on me, and that I'm not fat, I only have a little belly.

"Have you only gained 5 kilos? You have spent"

The day we went to the hospital to give birth to our baby we were in a room shared with a woman who had gained 25 kilos in her pregnancy. The midwife told her that very badly, that she had passed, that it was too much weight. Then he asked my wife, what He told him that he had gained 5 kilos and told him that very badly, which had been passed, that he should not have controlled so much weight.

She spent a lot of the comment, was in contractions and for something else, but the reality was quite the opposite. I had been watching her eat for 9 months in amazement and disbelief, unable to understand that someone could be so hungry. It seemed to have no background. He took a package of cereals and ate and ate. He took cookies and did not stop until he finished with a whole package. I had never seen him eat so much, so it was clear that the pregnancy was somehow accelerating its already accelerated metabolism.

Hours after giving birth by caesarean section the nurses came to see how it was. They raised his nightgown to change the gauze and said "but where is your belly!" amazed I did not know very well what they meant, because I was the first woman I saw without clothes right after giving birth, but I deduced that it was not normal, but to have more belly.

With the second he did not even reach 5 kilos, because he was born in week 35, and with the third yes, gained 11 kilos. In this case it is not that he had more belly (I at least saw him only with the first one), but that he won it in general, in his whole body. In addition to the fact that the pregnancy was passed between sitting and lying down, with nausea and the fatal body until the moment of giving birth, it seemed logical that she would gain more weight.

The fact is that once she gave birth she began to lose weight again. Little by little, but always being relatively thin. Why she has always been thin. Because it is his constitution, his genetics, and because he eats fast, he eats what he wants, what he wants and doesn't get fat.

So yes, they are a minority, but there are also real bodies as well, Like the ones of Abbey Clancy and like my wife's, that if they wanted to gain weight they would have problems.

And is that good or bad?

Well, neither good nor bad. If you look at the current beauty standards, it will be good. Better for the model, which is dedicated to it, of course. For my wife, or for me, it matters a little less. To me I like it like that and I liked how I was just giving birth, with 7 or 8 kilos more than now, so the thing is simply in a "yes, there are people like that and no, it's not always Photoshop or a person who kills himself to run and do abs", because she always They say that "how it shows that you kill yourself to play sports" and no, neither ... the one who kills me is me, that I do nothing but run from one side to another, and there I continue with my incipient belly.

Video: Peter Crouch Meets Britain's Tallest Man. The Jonathan Ross Show (July 2024).