Your wedding should be a happy time: for this girl (and many others) it is not

UNICEF just released a video titled "A fairytale wedding, except for one detail" that makes us stand on end, and gives us a nose with a very cruel reality that live no less than 15 million girls under 18 years of age every year, many of them under 15 years old.

All women imagine their wedding day as a festive date, a happy moment that will change their lives forever. But for these girls (who are not women, they are girls, please!) There is no fairy tale, but quite the opposite. These girls also change their lives, but to the horror. How is it possible that this aberration is still valid in so many countries?

The video was produced with Bridal Musings, one of the most influential wedding blogs in the world, so the crash is even harder. We see the preparations for a dream wedding, the fairy tale that every woman would like to live, with very well thought out winks, but that ends with shocking images.

They are 11, 12, 13 year old girls who are placed in the hands of men they do not know, as merchandise and who have power over them to abuse, mistreat them, and steal their childhood and life. As a mother of girls of those ages I am disgusted by the injustice that is committed with so many girls. Because they are # NiñasnoWives. Girls!

What do you do for these girls?

On Women's Day, on March 8, UNICEF has announced the launch of a UNFPA and UNICEF Global Program to Accelerate Actions to End Child Marriage, which will involve families, communities, governments and young people

It is part of a global effort to prevent girls from getting too young and to support girls who are already married in 12 countries in Africa, Asia and the Middle East, where child marriage rates are high.

According to Babatunde Osotimehin, executive director of UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund):

"This new program will focus on five effective strategies, such as increasing girls' access to education, educating parents and communities about the dangers of child marriage, increasing economic support to families and strengthening and enforcing laws. that establish 18 years as the minimum age to marry. "

Video: Real Girlfriend Vs. Online Girlfriend The Jerry Springer Show (July 2024).