Nine disgusting things that become completely normal after having children

When we become parents, many things change in our lives. We move on to a new stage that is accompanied by great adjustments in our routine, our way of thinking and living. Things we did not imagine before, end up becoming habitual little by little.

Part of these new things, also includes a series of situations not as beautiful as those usually shared publicly. We are talking about those disgusting things that become completely normal after having children, like that awkward moment when you don't know if that mysterious spot is chocolate or poop. We share some.

Clean someone else's poops

Let's start with a basic disgust: the diaper change when our children poop. Probably before we had children we could not even imagine changing a diaper full of poop without feeling that our stomachs were turning. But interestingly, once you have children, that disgust disappears (or at least, it decreases). It's disgusting, yes, but someone has to do it and eventually, you get used to it.

Meet an episode of explosive diarrhea

Okay, this is perhaps not very common or something that happens frequently, but it is something that we probably would never have been able to clean before we had children. At the time it can be something terribly surprising and disgusting, but with the passage of time, that episode of explosive poop can become a hilarious anecdote.

Analyze the poop

So is. When you're a mother or father, you don't just change diapers full of poop. But even there will be times when you will review and analyze it in detailWell, even if you don't believe it, it says a lot about your baby's health and could even alert you to a problem.

Fill you with slime

One of the things that all babies have in common is that they drool, and At some point in our adventure as fathers and mothers, we will find some slime in our clothes And our hands And our faces. And our hair Well, there will be drool everywhere. And worst of all, when we notice it, we will probably say: "What is this? Ah, it's just drool"Because of course, compared to cleaning poop, a drool is nothing.

Dealing with vomiting

One of the moments that hurt us most as parents is when our children get sick. We want to see them happy and healthy, and preferably, that they are not suddenly vomiting, because that means putting ourselves in "cleaning and handling of foreign substances" mode, and it is a job that nobody likes.

Clean snot with the shirt (or hand!)

Probably one of the least disgusting body fluids that we have to handle and deal with when we are parents, it is still something we never thought of doing before having children. But there comes a point where you find yourself in a situation where there is no paper nearby, and there is no choice but to clean them with the shirt you are wearing, or in the worst case, with your own hand.

Eat someone else's food scraps

Eat the food someone else has left? Never! But as always, our children arrive and make us swallow all our words. And while it's not something we do by obligation, at some point you will eat that little piece of food that your son left, with slime and everything.

Clean chewed food

When our children already eat solids, and probably for several of the following years, we will find a family scene: they did not like the food they have tried and they return it after chewing it. At best, they return it to the plate, but if not, the ground is usually one of their favorite places to throw it.

Receive sneezing in the face

You are calmly one afternoon with your children playing, when suddenly he comes to want to tell you something and instead of leaving a word with his sweet voice, you find a monumental sneeze that fills your face with microbes. Fathers and mothers on an expert level simply clean their faces quickly and continue as if nothing had happened.

Did any of these happen to you disgusting things that become normal after having children? Would you add another to the list?

Photos | Pixabay
In Babies and more | The hilarious story of a father to discover his daughter covered in poop from head to toe, what do fathers and mothers talk about all the time? Exactly, poop

Video: 9 Disgusting Things Your Body Does Every Day (July 2024).