The week in Babies and more: from August 20 to 26

As every week we summarize the articles published in Babies and more.

To begin with, we have talked about the benefits of swimming with babies, and the fundamental premises that must be taken into account when we start this practice.

This week we publish a story that has left us with astonishment: a British woman got pregnant at age 59 naturally. And speaking of pregnancies we review the importance of taking an iodine supplement in pregnancy for a good brain development of the fetus. In addition to taking iodine, the pregnant women have to be monitoring their blood pressure since arterial hypertension in the arm, in addition to being dangerous for the mother and the baby, predisposes to obesity in the next 20 years. And a pharmacological or surgical abortion does not imply a risk for future pregnancies. We publish trends to bring a fashionable gut.

And as a pleasure there is for everyone, a dad is not satisfied with his 78 children, he wants 100, will he take care of them all ?; because I with two ... I don't even tell you. In this same wave of news Dolores, and thanks to the companions of Genciencia has denied the possibility that triplets born in Catalonia had even the same fingerprints. For those parents who have a blog, we have reviewed some beautiful “stickers” that can Get on the personal web.

Children like to swing and Nune's rocking chair makes it a safe gift. And if it's gifts, in our time children are born with a “computer under the arm”, now fashion as a gift of birth is to register a Web domain to the child with his own name. has edited Todobebé Canticuentos. 25 songs on iTunes aimed at Latino children residing in the USA, so that they learn and practice their parents' language. And in Cuento Contigo you can order custom books. We have also seen beautiful sheets for children's beds, very funny shirts for twins and bubbles that do not burst.

The campaign against the routine episotomy of the association El Parto is ours. In my second birth, the scissors were not "thrown", so the recovery was excellent.

For those parents who want to have good portraits of their children First photo is a company dedicated to making artistic photos, a good memory forever. Or if you prefer to take your pictures we have given some tips to take pictures of babies

For those who are on vacation, I have told them in a second part how well they spent in Paris on family vacations and Diego's father sent us a picture of his baby enjoying a pool day. Personally Dolores has told us the not so good part of prolonged breastfeeding, with which I have felt 100% identified. According to an American study, obese mothers are less likely to breastfeed

We have posted an impressive video Crawl to breastfeed, and an interesting study that states that the lack of willingness in children to try new foods can be largely genetic. And to fight against this genetic predisposition, British chef Jamie Oliver will be the character of an animated series for children. And if you are not Jamie Oliver, but you have patience you can make Art with a sandwich to brighten up your children's snacks and then put them to color the First School drawings.

This has been our week in babies and more, we hope that all the information has been useful.

Video: Woman Certain That Man 20 Years Older Is Child's Father Full Episode. Paternity Court (July 2024).