Bread for celiacs

In this blog we have always been very aware of the world of celiac disease. We know how difficult it can be to find gluten-free foods and also that they are well accepted by children. There are many products that are very difficult to imitate and make them taste similar when gluten is removed, such as sweets, cereals and bread.

There are many efforts to create foods that make these children's lives easier. Thanks to this, it has been possible to create a bread, based on rice flour which is similar in taste and texture to wheat flour bread and is what you we show in the photo.

This novelty has been published in the "European Food Research and Technology" magazine, and has been developed by the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC). According to this magazine, this bread does not contain gluten and closely resembles normal bread, with a crusty crust on the outside and a spongy crumb inside. In addition from the energy point of view it is also very similar.

Until now the taste of celiac bread was somewhat floury and this seems to be much tastier. In addition, this product is enriched in proteins with the aim of supplying the deficiencies that these children often suffer from their disease.

Even the price could be lower than the current gluten-free breads.

The next product being studied is the development of a bread based on cornmeal.

At the moment this product has not been patented, we hope that soon a commercial house will see it as a good idea to incorporate it among its foods.

Via | The World In Babies and more | Celiacs: all the news

Video: Cooking For Celiacs, Part I (July 2024).