Christmas trees to print and cut with multiple uses

A few days ago we brought you a very short cut to decorate the house, nothing less than Santa's house, which a few days later was filled with characters such as Santa Claus, his wife, elves and reindeer, among others.

Well, now we can add more decorated with beautiful Christmas trees that already come with their decoration to print, cut and assemble in a few seconds, since they are very easy to do.

The main objective of these trees is to put a little string and use them to decorate the true Christmas tree (you will see the theme of the little string in the pdf). For my part, the main objective of the trees is to be part of Santa's house, but obviously they have multiple uses more, because they can also be used to decorate the table at one of the many Christmas lunches or dinners that await us in the near future, they can be used to give more gifts (if possible) on Christmas day, putting them on top of some of them or they can simply serve to leave them at home, creating a more Christmas atmosphere.

To print them just do click In the following image. You will access the pdf in which the cutout is. It is very easy to assemble, so there is no need to explain anything. If you want to print several trees, you can make them of different sizes changing the configuration of the printer (printing vertically or horizontally, for example, changing the percentage of size, ...).

By the way, as I see that you are taking the taste of this cut-off, in a few days I bring you some more (I like them a lot, and they seem like a good way to decorate the house with ... cardboard).