"The system dehumanizes the teaching practice." Interview with Nayra Álamo, teacher

We will continue, this month back to school, with our interviews to education experts. Today we will talk with Nayra Álamo Couple that mother and teacher English and Primary, exercising his profession in public school. He is currently training in White Pedagogy and Accompaniment because he is very interested in deepening in the field of personal growth both at a particular level and to be able to accompany families and students in their work.

We can read it in her virtual group La school de Nayra, reflections of a teacher and soon in her new blog. Participate in the network with the page on Facebook: "Nayra's little school, reflections of a teacher" and soon I will be publishing in my new blog.

What would the ideal school be like?

For me the ideal school must be a space that allows children to have all kinds of experiences related to the natural environment.

Green schools, with orchards, gardens, corners to explore, discover and play freely in contact with nature. In which you could participate in the care of animals and obtain from them company, food, etc. The green spaces of our schools are usually bounded and wasted.

Classrooms, yes or no?

We need more spacious and cozy classrooms, equipped with kitchen, sink, places for reading and rest, with spaces in which to create, experience and feel more comfortable. Nowadays the classrooms are too small, so the noise becomes unbearable and there is no room for anything except for the desks and several shelves.

How should students be distributed?

I would like that in schools students of different ages could interact throughout the day with each other.

Where learning situations will be generated for the entire center and students with similar concerns would be allowed to group together in an organized way to share experiences. In this sense, what is closest to my ideal type of school is the unitary schools and unfortunately they are disappearing little by little.

What fundamentally fails the education system?

In our schools they continue to teach the same content and in the same way that our grandparents learned. The teaching staff is limited to transmitting knowledge and the student simply memorizes concepts and participates passively in their learning process.

Concerned about the low results obtained in international tests such as the PISA test, the system pressures teachers to improve their educational practice. In turn, teachers react by pressing their students and families. The result: exhausted teachers and demotivated students. It is a witch hunt.

Does the teacher respect the education system?

The system dehumanizes the teaching practice.

He seems to be more worried about the results than the people. No one meets the emotional needs of teachers, students and families facing the day at school tired and unmotivated. There is no support for families, students and / or education professionals.

The authority orders and the professionals execute the order. The teaching staff adopts a completely passive position before the situation, instead of establishing a reflection on the teaching practice with the rest of the classmates, students and families.

I thank the teacher Nayra Alamo the time she is dedicating to us since I know that, now, with the beginning of the school year and her project in her school to transmit ideas of respectful accompaniment to the children, time is precious for her.

But I want to highlight his vision, from the trenches, from the heart of the school, without dissimulation or excuses. That brave vision of teachers willing to discover the errors of the system and to get involved to reverse them, is what makes us retain hope in the improvement of Education.

Tomorrow we continue with the interview with this wonderful teacher, Nayra Álamo. I hope you like reading it as much as I like doing it.