Let's go to the doctor with the baby, what a stress!

The first visits to the pediatrician when the baby is born are usually quite stressful. We have left the hospital environment that gives us some security and we are adapting to our home (rather, we are "surviving") when we have to run to an appointment, probably at the least appropriate time.

To top it off, we probably still have pain in the episiotomy or caesarean section, we have a tear or hemorrhoid after delivery. The recovery is not as fast as we would like and we are not to jump, or agile to go in a hurry, get in and out of the car, walk too much ...

If we add to all this the tiredness of the first weeks with the baby at home, when it is difficult to sleep at night (or at any time of the day) and rest long enough to feel vitally and energized, The visit to the pediatrician can be a very stressful time.

In addition the baby usually perceives our stress and in a situation that is also quite uncomfortable for him (undressed, cold, with a stranger "manipulating" ...) most likely to cry and have a bad time, transmitting his anxiety back.

A quiet visit to the pediatrician

What can we do to mitigate this stress from visiting the doctor, the nerves of a necessary situation? Because it is important that we carry out the relevant checks on the baby in the first months of life, we cannot skip these doctor reviews lightly.

  • Prepare the medical examination with time, it is not always possible with waiting lists in the health system, but as far as possible try to plan a visit to the pediatrician in advance.

  • Similarly, plan the means of traveling to the health center, because you may not be able to drive or take public transportation. Maybe a family member or friend can approach you and make that transfer easier and more comfortable without increasing the anxiety of the mother or the baby.

  • The above recommendations will also allow you, hopefully, choose the best time for this recognition, to try not to match the hours of sleep or breastfeeding of the baby (although, let's not fool ourselves, this is quite complicated in the first months; then, the baby may already acquire a certain routine). Do not stop breastfeeding if the baby claims it in the consultation.

  • The physical examination of the newborn is very important and requires that the baby be naked. Choose a baby clothes that can be easily unbuttoned. That removing and putting on small clothes does not turn into an ordeal, that is something quick and that does not make us or the baby nervous. If removing clothes is easy, we reduce the risk that the baby is restless, crying, and the exploration itself will be easier and faster.

  • If the query matches vaccination day, remember that the breast can calm the baby. Here we leave the five S so that the baby does not cry with vaccines, a moment without a doubt the most stressful and painful for him: swaddling (wrap the baby), side / stomach position (place it on its side or face down), shushing (do "shhhh"), swinging (cradle it or rock it) and sucking (suction).

  • Do you trust your pediatrician? It may be that much of the guilt of stress when visiting the doctor is that it does not inspire you confidence, have disagreements as to how to treat the baby or in terms of how to deal with the family, to solve your doubts ... In short, if you are not comfortable with the pediatrician who has touched you, try to change it because there are usually alternatives in health centers or hospitals.

Finally, remember: the visit to the pediatrician will be more stressful for the baby than for us, so we must take it easy and patiently, doing our best so that the child is well.

These tips can you help reduce stress on first visits to the pediatrician with the baby, we hope that the next visit will go better ... and above all that the baby is perfectly and growing at a good pace!

Photos | Maessive and eyeliam on Flickr In Babies and more | Reviews of the healthy child: what doctors check in newborns, The baby's first visit to the health center