
Procedures for the birth of a child: health care

One of the first procedures we have to do after the baby is born, together with the registration in the Civil Registry, is to request health care. Between the fourth and eighth day of life, the baby must be taken to the Health Center to have the second heel test (the first one is done at 48 hours in the hospital) and the first check-ups after birth.

Newborn girls look more at faces than boys

That more women like soap operas and more men soccer seems to be proven, and this fact has a genetic basis. A base that, just after birth, makes girls prefer to look at faces more than boys. In the womb, in the first trimester of a baby's pregnancy, it is observed that in boys there is more fetal testosterone than in girls.

Hatchimals, or how a toy egg is sweeping this Christmas

There is a toy that is causing rage among the little ones, they all ask for it in their letters to Santa Claus and the Magi. It is sold out in stores and those who are lucky enough to get one keep it as if it were an egg of a race in extinction. It is not, but almost. Hatchimals is a plastic egg that hides inside a virtual pet that is not yet born.

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