How to plan pregnancy

There are those who get it "at first", there are those who do not achieve pregnancy and resort to artificial fertilization techniques for this, there are those who come naturally with the passing of months or years ... It is not in our hands to decide the moment of conception but yes we can plan a healthy pregnancy, through this advice decalogue.

There are still very few women who prepare for pregnancy, but there are certain steps related to health, our mind and our environment that we can follow both to achieve conception and to make the pregnancy healthier and safer.

Know the fertile days of women

You have to calculate what is the ovulatory period of women and have more frequent relationships on those days of the cycle. For know the fertile days of women We can resort to our menstrual calendar, that is, the cycle that usually follows ovulation and period in our lives. Recall that in a 28-day menstrual cycle, the most fertile days are halfway between 12 and 14.

We already speak extensively about what are the fertile days to get pregnant, and although there are different methods to know those most auspicious days, it is not always easy, in the case of irregular cycles, women with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) ...

Maintain the ideal weight

Maintaining the ideal weight is not important only during pregnancy and in regard to the future mother. Being overweight reduces fertility in both sexes, it has been proven that obese couples take longer to conceive. At the other extreme, too low weight in women can also make it difficult to conceive successfully.

Physical activity

Moderate sport and physical activity They are beneficial for keeping the body in shape and a good mood. However, a very intense exercise can be detrimental to pregnancy plans, since low seminal quality and menstruation may disappear.

Since exercise in pregnancy is highly recommended, we should not lose that good habit if we already practiced some physical activity. And if it wasn't, it's a good time to start, even before pregnancy.

Stress out

Although this relationship has sometimes been questioned, we all know cases in which stress was abandoned and pregnancy was achieved. Leaving stress could increase fertility, regulating the woman's cycle, increasing receptivity ...

In this sense, the practice of moderate exercise, yoga ... can help increase fertility by making future parents feel better, calmer, more willing, more relaxed and receptive.

High levels of stress, anxiety or depression they can contribute to the disappearance of the rule in women, and in men the seminal quality could be altered.

Tobacco and alcohol

Tobacco negatively influences fertility female, as it accelerates the aging of the ovaries, thus losing reproductive capacity and accelerating menopause, in addition to increasing the risk of ectopic pregnancies. Tobacco influences the receptivity of the uterus and women smokers may find it twice as hard to stay in state.

For men, tobacco is also not a good companion if they want good sperm quality. Smoking negatively influences sperm concentration and mobility and reduce pregnancy rates.

On the other hand, a high consumption of alcohol and other drugs is related to semen alterations, loss of menstruation, increased abortions ...

A healthy menu

A healthy diet is necessary during and before pregnancy, to prevent health problems in the mother and the baby, avoid birth defects ...

It is thought that more than half of male sterility cases without a clear cause could be related to improper nutrition.

The Mediterranean diet brings many benefits, you have to eat a varied and balanced menu to not gain excess weight, lots of fruits and vegetables, olive oil ...

Next to tobacco and alcohol, coffee is often questioned, because although its moderate consumption is not a problem, drinking it frequently can have a negative influence.

A folic acid supplement

Folic acid is an essential vitamin to prevent birth defects in the baby. It is recommended to start taking it three months before and during pregnancy, to reduce the risk of neural canal disorders, such as spina bifida.

We can also ensure that the diet includes certain foods rich in folic acid, such as green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, avocado, strawberries, bananas, legumes ...

Vaccines before pregnancy

Prevention is important if we want to avoid unnecessary risks during pregnancy, for this we must comply with vaccination plans during childhood and adolescence, and in the event that the future mother lacks any vaccine, it can be administered before of getting pregnant

Previous visit to the gynecologist

Go to the gynecologist for a pre-conception visit, which can be as important as prenatal visits. The specialist will monitor our medical history, inquire about possible risks, send a blood test to detect anemia or other disorders (especially infections that could affect the future baby, such as hepatitis, syphilis, AIDS ...), recommend vitamin supplements ...

In relation to the previous point, gynecologists would have to ask about the state of immunization to the woman who plans the pregnancy or who makes her first visit in the state, since a complete vaccination is not always supposed.

The environment

Sometimes we can act in our midst, and in reality these are measures that we should take into account at any stage of life. But women who want to achieve pregnancy should especially avoid as much as possible toxic exposure, excessive pollution and pesticides.

Environmental toxic substances can also alter reproductive capacity and affect the fetus or newborn during development or breastfeeding.

Our closest social circle should contribute to the good habits of the future mother, facilitating aspects such as non-exposure to tobacco smoke, encouraging her or accompanying her to exercise ...

Definitely, pregnancy planning It must be an important issue, but it should not lead to obsession with couples, because as we have commented, stress can play against the desire to conceive. If we put these tips into practice, the extension of the family is probably closer.

Photos | Arwen Abendstern and the Italian voice on Flickr-CC In Babies and more | Fertile days to get pregnant, Frequently asked questions about conception and fertility (I). Things to consider before getting pregnant, How to prepare for pregnancy